Monday, 4 October 2010

Four men in a panda

No, not the title of an obscure Chinese porno, but what the Project Reality team will attempt on Friday as we set out to discover just how many clowns you can fit into a tiny, tiny car.

The vehicle in question is one of these:

It's actually in that colour, too... no, seriously. Yeah, so it's not the most manly of vehicles but - will you stop laughing please - it gets me from A to B, and at 50 mpg too. I'm aware that prioritizing fuel efficiency over horsepower means I should hand in my Man Permit immediately but when you're paid a pittance you have to make some sacrifices, right?

It's also cheap to insure, which is important when you're young, male and once ran over your ex-mother-in-law. Seriously, stop laughing again - it was an accident and it's still being settled by the insurers now, twenty months on...

In case you're wondering just how big the challenge is, the inside looks like this:

Yup, it's in that upholstery, too. Apart from where the front seat is slightly stained - apparently blood doesn't wash out too well. It's not ex-mother-in-law blood, by the way. Just thought I should clarify. She went under the rear passenger door, not through the windscreen, and it didn't cause any lacerations.

So, into this cabin of compactness we will attempt to fit:

Me, (R-DEV Masaq) - part-time wookiee impressionist.
[R-DEV] Gaz - Irishman who due to a freak of genetics is apparently taller than most other leprechauns.
[R-DEV] Dunehunter - Belgian of stunted growth due to insufficient beer consumption and excessive intake of mayonnaise.
[R-CON] Burton - Mystery passenger of unknown stature.

Plus our gear: four overnight bags, two keyboards, a G25 steering wheel, a G940 flight system, several microphones, mice and headphones, a TrackIR, two laptops, two digital cameras, at least two crates of beer and a spare litre of engine coolant in case my radiator blows out on the M5 again...

Wish us luck!


1 comment:

  1. [R-CON] Burton - 6ft with the frame of someone who works in the evenings and eats a lot
