Sunday, 10 October 2010

Saturday and Sunday

Hi guys, just wanted to blog what we got up to over Saturday afternoon, and today.

Saturday consisted of hitting the gaming hard! We covered the whole lot, playing the latest builds of PR:ArmA2, which is seriously looking visually stunning, as well as really taking shape in terms of promoting multiplayer gameplay. The changes really vary from subtle to downright digital AMRA2 porn.

We had a good blast of PR:BF2 (0.956RC), from Chally2 battles in the the new Vehicle Combat mode, to having a fantastic few hours on the latest build of Dr Rank's Sangin map. That map is seriously shaping up, and even in it's current WIP state was awesome to play. Poor Ranky had the whole room demanding to know when it was going to be finished ;) We were firmly of the opinion that the upcoming 0.95 release is going to seriously impress the community.

StuartCADT was on station and did a fantastic job showcasing VBS2, it's near limitless sandbox abilities for real-world training and showing off exactly what it can do when all the guys jumped into a scenario. We all got raped :( The realtime rditor really showed it's worth, when Drav demanded armoured support upon contact. Only to have Stu drop a CR2 and other assorted armour and FSG wagons around him near instantly......uncrewed. What followed was the mother of all multiple IED attacks as we al turned into instant asset whores, with masses of BOOMs and waves of insurgents. 

I will admit at this stage I had to stop playing VBS2 and ArmA2 due to the sway. It wasn't doing my hangover any good at all, as both Drav and I'd expended rather too much 'enthusism' in dispatching a 2 man firefighting team to Rhino's room at 0400. I was told that Smeg vaguely remembers waking up with me standing over him, while I held the fire hose, commenting that "we must take Smeg's beard from him"....I don't :(

A nice touch was playing rFactor (racing game), which really broke up the FPS action, and a few hours were spent qualifying with decent times, only to have A CERTAIN PERSON (who shall be known as ''Rhinowuts'') steal my car and grief while I was out for a smoke waiting for the race to start.... 

Sunday was a welcome change, where UK_Force and StuartCADT brought out the big boys' toys. We were shown around the various armour on-sight in Lulworth. Some impressive kit. The guys were particularly blown away with the shear size and noise of the CR2s, and how small the scimitar is compared to it! Meanwhile, some of us got on with the far more important issue of graffitiing the back of a dirty Warrior ;) Someone had to do it :D I'm sure Masaq will expand on that one...

The final 'phase' of the weekend was the guys getting hands on with the various targeting simulators for the CR2. These simulators are full size, realistic representations of the inside of the CR2s that we'd been sitting in earlier. The various engagement systems available to the gunners and commanders are simply scary to this Infantry soldier, when you see what it can do and how goddamn quick the turret turns!

I'll leave it there, as Dunehunter would say.......TL DR!   

- Gaz

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