Saturday, 9 October 2010

Holy ****!!!

The beers beginning to kick in and the gaming's hotting up.  VBS2 was an interesting experience, having someone running the 'lesson' able to drop in any unit when and where ever was fantastic, like fps nuts vs an rts head.  It made for some great dynamic co-op.

I'm gonna tease you because it won't be long before you all get your filthy mits on the latest release anyway, but the new challenger 2 sounds?  Well, it was exactly like the real thing (obviously) and the difference it made to the realism and immersion was imense.  Here's one pic from a tank scrim we had on the epic upcoming map Burning Sands:

We also had a playtest on Sangin early which was good fun.  Here's one shot from that where Nightwolf and I were bricking it as Rhino swooped in with his A-10:

Good times!  Right, better get back to the beer and back to the action!

Dr Rank

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