Sunday, 10 October 2010

Gaz Out

Now that I'm home, I'd like to make a point of saying a HUGE thank you both from myself and from the whole team who attended to a few people;

- The PR Team. Guys, it was an honour to meet you all, especially those who travelled from further afield around Europe. Was great to shake your hands and have a drink with the guys I spend every day on the Dev forums talking to.

- Masaq, thanks for picking me up and dropping me off at the airport. Was a great help and saved a few headaches. Even if we spent the return journey killing small fluffy things that ran across the road and seeing a car try to drive down a motorway on it's roof....yet another one of life's eternal questions answered by the PR management team; what will win in a head on collision between a squirrel and a Fiat Panda. I still think the squirrel could have had us :( 

- To Mrs was lovely to meet the lady who laid on a fantastic buffet and gave up her own time to feed Craig's bunch of "geeks" :D Without her efforts, we would have been faced with 12 starving nerds. They could well have nerded out and have done bad, unspeakable things if they weren't otherwise pacified by your lovely culinary skills :) Thanks from the whole team!

- UK_Force Jnr and StuartCADT Jnr, great to see the next generation clamber all over the Armour! A number of the PR team commented to me that they are indeed ''jealous'' that your dads have tanks and you guys get to play on them :D While UK_Force Jnr will no doubt continue to show UK_Force how to play computer games (your wife's words mate ;)), young StuartCADT Jnr will continue on demanding that the PR team engage friendly tanks :D

- StuartCADT and UK_Force. Without your efforts guys, the pr dev lan 2010 would only ever have been a pipe dream, and neigh on an impossible task. StuartCADT, thanks for letting us great unwashed brutally hammer your PCs for 24 hours straight and the simulator and VBS2 time was invaluable. Some of the real world sims and the likes of VBS2 are systems that the guys would otherwise only see on the MOD website or on youtube. All this stuff prompted rethinks, suggestions and remarks about current options, characteristics and settings within PR, for both ArmA2 and BF2. Invaluable hands-on experience! UK_Force, your drive started and carried through yet another unforgettable weekend. The likes of which truly sets the PR Team apart from other teams. We meet up, have a damn good time, let the beers flow, and clamber all over the military kit that we would otherwise simply sit on the internet and spend hundreds of hours trying to get ingame with what we 'think' it looks or works. It would simply not have been possible if not for you guys, and I say a huge THANK YOU! PS) UK_Force, we still have that wager on the DCCT to sort out from 2 years ago when the challenge was first issued ;)

- The Royal Armoured Corps. The access and hospitality of the Army and the RAC in particular at RAC Gunnery School Lulworth was again awesome. I'm just glad that we achieved a few things; it's great to be reminded first-hand of the access to the kit we put in-game, no matter what the engine. The strength of the team as well on a personal level, meeting face to face and having a great laugh and exchanging ideas is simply a joy to see. I'm also glad that I was able to single handedly drink the NAAFI dry of vodka before going and getting my own. I would recommend Drav as a 4am firefighter/drinking/smoking buddy any time ;) He's also pretty decent at that modeling crap too if I'm honest ;)

Until next time.....

/Gaz Out.

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