Monday, 11 October 2010

Lulworthy weekend of awesomeness.

Top notch weekend, we've all been very privileged.

Unfortunately a few PR team members couldn't make it this weekend.  Matrox, Nickbond, Duke, MAINERROR, Mongolian_dude, CareBear and possibly more had other priorities or places they needed to be.  That combined with Gaz giving me a shout and UK_Force sending me an invite made me a lucky chap indeed as not many civilians get a chance to operate the kind of military hardware and software that we just have.

UK_Force and StuartCADT have been excellent hosts and great sources of knowledge and experience.  They've both been on hand the entire weekend to sort our rooms, give us a quick tour, explain various armoured weapon system controls on simulators and military software but most of all they let us get our hands on a real life Challenger 2 that they allowed us into so we could have a go with the weapons system.  We are all now fully trained CR2 crewmen. :p

They were both more that willing to give us a mobile demonstration of a Scimitar and a Warrior as well as the CR2 which we all enjoyed very much.  Being able to clamber about on these beasts and have a go with the turret systems has been great fun, I don't think any of us dreamed about being given that kind of opportunity.  StuartCADT's son was even on hand to give tactical help whilst we were using the training simulator equipment, cheers lil' Hamish and thanks again for everything chaps. :)

None of this would have been possible if it wasn't for all the organisation that UK_Force has done.  Besides assembling a great team of developers and military advisers, he's given us all a great weekend to remember.  Everything went smoothly and we all got more than we bargained for.  Mr & Mrs UK_Force prepared a great feast and got a bunch of beer in for us to consume whilst we used some of the best military gaming/simulation software around, including PR:Arma2 & VBS2.

Thanks to everyone who showed up and gave me pointers whilst we were playing PR:Arma2 as it was my first game on any kind of Arma platform.  Well done to Rhino for making the PR server operational and not to forget, thanks to Gaz for my wake up call... :-/

I'm not much of a blogger and I could go on forever about how awesome this weekend was but the main thing is letting you guys know how thankful I am to everyone who attended to make this weekend an experience to remember especially UK_Force, Mrs UK_Force, StuartCADT and last but especially least, Gaz.



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