Saturday, 9 October 2010

Travel update

Already a bunch of blog posts about what we've been getting up to (though I've noticed that no one has mentioned the hookers yet, which is a shame. Alexia is sweeeeeeeet). In my last post, I showed my travel plan. As some guy once said, no plan survives first contact, and mine was no exception.

My boss sent me home at 4.30, so after I checked the forums for last-minute updates I went to bed at 5.30, with my alarm set at 6, so I could catch the 6.30 train.

My mom woke me up at 6.45. Bit of a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu moment. Rushed downstairs and my dad raced me to the station for the 6.55 train....where I then had to wait for 40 minutes. 40 minute delay for a 30 minute train ride. Luckily, the Eurostar folks were kind enough to put me on a later train. Was hoping to get some sleep, but a bunch of incredibly annoying kids kept me up for the entire ride. Bummed around London a bit, then met up with Motherdear at Paddington station for the trainride to Reading, where we met up with Dr Rank and Nightwolf. On our way south we picked up some supplies...four litres of energy drinks for me and Motherdear. Will post pictures of the shopping spree later.

Time to go back to owning noobs now, will try to update with pictures tomorrow.


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